20Two Studio modern home contemporary architecture desert cactus hospitality design


Storytellers with a Passion for Human Connection and Client Success

20two studio man rope swing travel vacation waterfall

20Two Studio offers the authentic spirit of an entrepreneurial start-up, powered by C-level experience. 


The Studio’s success is equally results-driven as it is the honor of building a strong client rapport.


Our Expertise


20Two Studio excels at public relations and social strategies, creating and ideating on behalf of lifestyle and luxury brands within the travel, hospitality, wellness, and real estate verticals.


There is always strength in numbers… in our case, it’s the power of 22.


The ethos of the Studio is inspired by the number 22, which is considered to be a master number focused on accomplishment at the highest level. 

20Two also symbolizes adaptability and insight. All of this contributes to the agency’s innovation and strategic approach to creative storytelling—and the results that we deliver to our clients.

The number carries the energy of duality, which is demonstrated through The Studio’s dedication to creative thinking and ROI-driven approach.

Meet The Team


20Two Studio leads with passion and deep experience. The Studio is committed to its clients and staff through an honest approach, creative integrity, and a real passion for awesomeness.

Sheena Martin

Ilana Hill

Eliza Giacobbe

Morgan Libsack

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